Friday, March 5, 2010


i have yet to actually run... sad face

i wish it would get warm enough that i wouldnt shudder at even the thought of being outdoors.

day 4: part 2

my apologies blake for my short entry last night allow me to elaborate.

yesterday morning i woke up and ate crunch berries again. im not sure if im defeating the whole fun cereal idea by having the same fun cereal every morning. however i am debating just making it "have a fun breakfast." i dont normally eat breakfast in the morning on the weekends (in part because im not usually awake before lunch time) so it should be interesting trying to remember to eat it this weekend.

my nails remain unbitten. but awkwardly jagged and i cant do anything about it during the day and it pisses me off. i need to go get a manicure or something to stop the jaggedness.

so last night i got home and work (and procrasatinated) until about 12:30 on my STUPID invisible man stuff. so because of this wonderful time waster, i did not have time to get on the bike downstairs and i certainly was not going to go running at 12 AM so i did 100 jumping jacks... super fun... honestly though i feel like that was definitely enough of an exertion of energy so no punishment :]

Thursday, March 4, 2010

day 4:

1. 100 jumping jacks plus lunges everywhere i walked at home
2. nails unbitten
3. crunch berries

invisible man has defeated me

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

day 3:

after enjoying sleeping in slightly longer than yesterday (thank you snow for delaying school) i ate more crunch berries for breakfast. no headache today though i was a little more hyper than usual. andrew can attest to that i was acting "silly."
I also somehow refrained from biting my nails during what turned out to be a very stressful day. i wont go into details but lets just say i cant deal with incompetence or ignorance.
i JUST biked 6 miles, did sit ups, lifted weights and did various other stretches and exercises.

i promise these entries will get longer once i start getting home earlier than seven oclock.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

day 1 & day 2

day 1:
alright alright alright i forgot to blog yesterday (in more places than one)
yesterday morning i had rice krispies for breakfast because i woefully forgot to shop for really fun cereal but i decided a little snap, crackle, pop counted as fun. so after school i ate dinner and then went to publixs to get real fun cereal i got a variety pack of those little boxes then a big box of captain crunch: crunch berries. after i got home i rode on the stationary bicycle in our basement (i was not going to go running when it was so cold outside) and rode 5.1 miles. it took me about twenty minutes and i was exhausted after. i lifted weights for a little while after. also my nails remained unbitten.
day 2:
today i started my day off with a nice bowl of crunch berries, so bad and so good at the same time. i had a bit of a headache in the morning but im not sure if it was a result of so much sugar in the morning or not... i guess well see
i also havent bitten my nails, however i did pick away at the nail polish a little bit. you see, i have several nervous habits: nail biting, shreding paper, and biting pens. with one of my main habits taken away and no paper or pens insight, some of my nail polish off (PS- blake my nails are gonna be really long at the end of this)
i have not exercised YET but as soon as i finish typing this im going to go downstairs and ride the bike again. i refuse to try and run in the snow. i certainly hope it gets warm soon.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

tenative punishment

Blake and Kylie have decided that if I am to break my thirty days pact, I must wear too much make up to school the first school day after said breakage.
However, I think they should probably have realized after I wore a Catholic school uniform for thirty days that I am not really overly concerned about my appearance. So if I don't come up with something better before our thirty days start I guess that is what I will be doing or not doing since I will not break my thirty days.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

thirty days: second edition

1. Run or Exercise Everyday
2. Don't Bite Nails for 30 Days
3. Have Fun Cereal Every Morning

Start Date: March 1st, 2010
End Date: March 30th, 2010